Go Beyond Your Wildest Dreams

BG Welcome to TRADING CENTER – your trusted partner in global trade and logistics.

We specialize in importing and exporting goods to Bulgaria and the European Union, offering a wide range of services for the efficient development of your business.

The Sky's The Limit

we understand the importance of financial stability in the business world.


With a robust financial foundation, we assure our partners and clients of our steadfast commitment to the longevity and success of our collaborations.

Our transparent financial practices and prudent management ensure a secure and trustworthy environment, providing you with the confidence to explore new horizons in the world of international trade.

Partner with us for a future built on financial strength and unwavering reliability.

We Solve Real Problems

what can we do for you?

Import and Export

We ensure reliable trade connections between different markets, ensuring a smooth flow of goods and services.

Trade Representation

Our experts offer quality representation and mediation services, ensuring successful business operations.

Wholesale Trade

We provide wholesale solutions with favorable conditions for partners and clients.

Warehouse Transactions

We provide integrated solutions for efficient warehouse management operations.

Logistics and Supply

From transportation to inventory control, we optimize your logistics for maximum efficiency.

Customs Compliance

Navigate international regulations seamlessly with our in-depth knowledge of customs and trade compliance.

Meet Our Clients

They Believe In Us

Trust is the cornerstone of our relationships with clients. We take pride in fostering an environment of transparency, reliability, and excellence, earning the trust of businesses and partners worldwide.

Our commitment to delivering high-quality products and services has established us as a trusted name in the realm of international trade.

Do You Want To Boost Your Business?

drop us a line and keep in touch

Learn how we helped 100 top brands gain success.

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